Overwhelmed to Relaxed in 5 Minutes

Procrastination is not the same thing as being lazy. It’s natural to procrastinate, putting off the most important tasks because we’d rather organize files or tidy up a bit. The logic goes, ‘if I tidy up, I can work more efficiently’. Currently I have 2 major website...

What I Learned from Curly and Dr. Cooper

What is keeping you from being an expert in your field? When you leave the room, what do people say about you? Are you an expert in your field? Or are you the one who does your job with almost no passion and just goes through the motions? Are you the kind of person...

Three Reasons to Start a Blog Today!

I told a friend many years ago about how passionate I was about writing my new book. I was passionate about my new love, Jesus. I was journaling and reading The Holy Bible almost every day and listening to various radio sermons. I knew I was going to write a...