by John | Apr 20, 2017 | Inbound Marketing, SEO, website design
We’ve seen a new trend from old brick and mortar in website design. Many small and medium sized early adopters of innovative web design may have missed the memo. Building a website does not attract new business. The thought might have been ‘we need to be...
by John | Oct 7, 2016 | Platform Tools
Useful Web Design Tools Used by Platform Creator 1). FONTS Choosing or identifying the ideal font can make a big difference in designing your website or marketing piece. Designing a brochure for a preschool would vastly contrast an elegant font applicable for a...
by John | Apr 8, 2016 | Platform Messaging
I’m a platform creator. I help others tell stories and create marketing platforms worth sharing. However, most of my career has been spent failing; working on advertising campaigns that have very little substance and very few social media shares. Many times my...
by John | Jan 11, 2016 | Branding, Leadership, Platform Goals
As an online platform creator, helping companies with social media, media planning and buying, website design and SEO in the Dallas area, 2015 was a year in which we played a lot of Wack-O-Mole. We spent a lot of time fixing things, but spent little time building....
by John | Nov 18, 2015 | SEO
Have you ever wondered how to plan the biggest tailgate blow-out ever? I asked a buddy of mine what his secret was and he told me that it had to do with preparation, advertising, and the ultimate roll-out. You had to attract enough people to make it a great event and...